Affordable Ventura County Housekeeping- Keep your House Clean, Leave your Shoes at the Door!
Affordable Ventura County Housekeeping, keep your house clean by leaving your shoes at the door! We walk through our houses in the same...
How to Kill Household Mold and Mildew in Your Home- Los Angeles County and Ventura County
Households throughout Los Angeles County and Ventura County have mold and mildew and may not even know it. Cookie Bear Housekeeping...
Sponges: Bacteria's Breeding Ground- Los Angeles County and Ventura County
Sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria found in every home throughout Los Angeles County and Ventura County. How often do you clean...
How Can Clorox Help You Reduce Allergens in Your Home?
How can Clorox disinfecting products help reduce allergens in your home? Southern California rarely experiences a true winter. So if you...
Finding Trustworthy Housekeepers in Ventura, CA
Reputable and trustworthy housekeepers are hard to come by in Ventura, CA. We understand that it's difficult to let people into your home...